Art Academy

Bronze Art Festival 2021
BRONZE ART FESTIVAL 2021 is an international competition of professional sculptors aimed to popularize and develop bronze sculptures, to support talented artists as well as promote them in the CIS, Europe and Asia.
Bronze Art Festival 2021
BRONZE ART FESTIVAL 2021 is an international competition of professional sculptors aimed to popularize and develop bronze sculptures, to support talented artists as well as promote them in the CIS, Europe and Asia.
"Ecology of Humanity: the Foundation of Future Civilization" – this theme was randomly chosen in Feb 2020 for the first competition – OST ART FESTIVAL 2020.

40 artists, both established professionals and art academy students found a way to combine the formal artistic toolkit with the quite specific environmental agenda in presenting their interpretations of the upcoming future, where there is room for both earthly and intergalactic creatures, anthropogenic Galatea and a man-ship.

OST ART FESTIVAL 2020 full story, winners list and final bronze-casted sculptures exhibition
"Ecology of Humanity: the Foundation of Future Civilization" – this theme was randomly chosen in Feb 2020 for the first competition – OST ART FESTIVAL 2020.
40 artists, both established professionals and art academy students found a way to combine the formal artistic toolkit with the quite specific environmental agenda in presenting their interpretations of the upcoming future, where there is room for both earthly and intergalactic creatures, anthropogenic Galatea and a man-ship.

OST ART FESTIVAL 2020 full story, winners list and final bronze-casted sculptures exhibition

The whole area of Art Academy with its workshops, study rooms and exhibition halls will become the official venue for the festival. For five weeks, established sculptors and young talented students will create artpieces (plasticine medium) expressing chosen theme via their own vision for the judgment of an international jury.

The festival jury will select three winners and seven laureates of the competition by open vote. Additionally, two more laureates will be determined by the artists of the Festival. These all twelve sculptures will be casted in bronze at the expense of Organizers and promoted at three international exhibitions (in the Republic of Belarus, Russia and Europe). In parallel, the winners will receive cash prizes, as well as two special prizes: trips to London Frieze Masters 2021 and Cosmoscow 2021 VIP preview.

All the necessary information about the conditions of participation in the competition
Competition rules and regulations BRONZE ART FESTIVAL 2021

Only artists with professional art education in Sculpture are welcomed to participate in Bronze Art Festival 2021.

BRONZE ART FESTIVAL 2021 Grand Opening – 20th of MARCH 14:00
Festival Judges

  • S. Oganov — chair of the panel; sculptor, chairman of the sculpture section of the Belarusian Union of Artists

  • G. Pravotorov, people's artist of Russia, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, sculptor, chairman of the Creative Commission for Sculpture of the Union of Artists of Russia

  • N. Sharangovich, art historian, first deputy chair of the Belarusian Union of Artists

  • N. Bayrachny, sculptor, member of the Belarusian Union of Artists

  • P. Voynitsky, PhD in Art History, associate professor of Belarusian State Academy of Arts, member of the Belarusian Union of Designers, Belarusian Union of Artists

  • A. Zimenko, PhD in Art History, curator of Belgazprombank art collection

  • K. Izofatova, PhD in Art History, head of the Department of Belarusian Art (20th - 21st Centuries) of the National Art Museum
The whole area of Art Academy with its workshops, study rooms and exhibition halls will become the official venue for the festival. For five weeks, established sculptors and young talented students will create artpieces (plasticine medium) expressing chosen theme via their own vision for the judgment of an international jury.

  • S. Oganov — chair of the panel; sculptor, chairman of the sculpture section of the Belarusian Union of Artists
  • G. Pravotorov, people's artist of Russia, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, sculptor, chairman of the Creative Commission for Sculpture of the Union of Artists of Russia
  • N. Sharangovich, art historian, first deputy chair of the Belarusian Union of Artists
  • N. Bayrachny, sculptor, member of the Belarusian Union of Artists
  • P. Voynitsky, PhD in Art History, associate professor of Belarusian State Academy of Arts, member of the Belarusian Union of Designers, Belarusian Union of Artists
  • A. Zimenko, PhD in Art History, curator of Belgazprombank art collection
  • K. Izofatova, PhD in Art History, head of the Department of Belarusian Art (20th - 21st Centuries) of the National Art Museum

The festival jury will select three winners and seven laureates of the competition by open vote. Additionally, two more laureates will be determined by the artists of the Festival. These all twelve sculptures will be casted in bronze at the expense of Organizers and promoted at three international exhibitions (in the Republic of Belarus, Russia and Europe). In parallel, the winners will receive cash prizes, as well as two special prizes: trips to London Frieze Masters 2021 and Cosmoscow 2021 VIP preview.

All the necessary information about the conditions of participation in the competition
Competition rules and regulations BRONZE ART FESTIVAL 2021

Only artists with professional art education in Sculpture are welcomed to participate in Bronze Art Festival 2021.

BRONZE ART FESTIVAL 2021 Grand Opening – 20th of MARCH 14:00
Application committee: +375 29 153 6776
Festival Director: +375 29 696 6061


Festival News and Updates:
Ostroshitsky Gorodok, st. Leninskaya, 86, 3rd floor

Open daily: 9.00 – 19.00

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